Calculation of the Self Inductance Per Unit Length of an Eccentric Cable by Conformal Mapping; Method of Angles Picked-up of Corners in Images Based on Radon Transform 用保角变换法计算单芯偏心电缆单位长度的自感基于Radon变换的图像角点角度提取算法
The Effect on 4-quadrant Converter Produced by Mutual Inductance among Traction Windings of Transformer in Electric Multiple Unit 交流传动电动车组变压器牵引绕组互感对网侧变流器的影响
For the main transformer with mutual inductance among its traction windings in AC drive ( Electric) Multiple Unit, the working state of 4-quadrant converter ( 4QC) is studied. 研究交流传动电动车组主变压器牵引绕组间存在互感时四象限变流器的工作状态。
Theoretically, the resistance, inductance and capacitance in per unit length, and the effective length of transmission line cannot be obtained accurately. 理论上讲,输电线路单位长度的电阻、电感、电容以及输电线路的实际长度等参数都是无法精确获得的。
By using the mutual inductance equivalent model and equivalent circuit of ultrasonic vibration unit, eight primary and secondary matching circuits are put forward to make the transmission performance better. 为使传输性能最佳,利用互感等效模型和超声振动单元的等效电路为基础分析系统的补偿电路。